ABChildren Charity Monaco Principauté is an organization based on the experience of ABChildren Charity Italia (founded in 2002) and on the personal action of its founders who, some years ago, moved their own residence in the Principauté where they want to continue to operate in the humanitarian field with the same enthusiasm and goals.
ABChildren works in favour of the children and youth in need and for the respect of the nature. It is an organization of support to the poorest, of help and volunteering, formation and culture.
The founders of ABChildren will take care personally, now and in the future, of the achievement of the organization's goals in the respect of everyone and with the enthusiasm that distinguish the projects of ABChildren.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
19, bld de suisse, montecarlo, 98000, Monaco Pté
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +33640625347
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Colombia, India, Italy, Monaco, Sri Lanka
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Host family, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2014
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Internet is a fantastic means of communication, more often than not present in our homes via the smartphone and computer. It has also become our children’s favourite means of communication.
The first mission of AIMC contributes to protecting the dignity and integrity of children on the Internet.
Our Association in collaboration with the Department of Education offers a program of prevention in schools in Monaco but also in France to the attention of children and adolescents. The essential goal of this prevention program led by a psychologist is to develop young people’s critical thinking and decision-making skills, emphasising the fact that the Internet is a blend of the best and the worst.
At the same time, the Association is trying to increase awareness amongst parents and educators so that they can work with us as partners.
Since 17 years, our association has been awared of the dangers of the Internet more than 650000 children and more than 8 000 parents and professionals in the school system. 2370 preventions have been carried out in schools.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Place des Moulins
Le Continental A
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 97 77 51 11
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 97 77 51 11
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2002
AMA is a non-profit Association founded in 2006. It is established in the Principality of Monaco and has legal representation in Argentina. We work with other associations on 3 main pillars: Health, Education and Culture.
We promote ideas.
We discover talent.
We generate possibilities.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Villa Roseline
29 Av Hector Otto
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +33678147739
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Environment, Health, Sport
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Argentina, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2006
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
AMADE Mondiale (AMADE) was founded in 1963 according to the wishes of Princess Grace. AMADE is based on a vision: a world where every child, whatever his social, religious or cultural origins are, would have the capacity to live with dignity and security, his fundamental rights fully respected.
A world where every child would have the opportunity to fulfill his potential.
AMADE Mondiale’s missions are to:
• Protect the most vulnerable children against violence, abuse and exploitation;
• Foster the development and well-being of children through access to health and education;
• Play an active advocacy role to anticipate and accompany change.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
4 rue des Iris
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 97 70 52 60
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 97 70 52 72
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Lobbying-Law, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, France, Guinea, Italy, Lebanon, Niger, Philippines, Congo (DRC), Senegal
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1963
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
AMITIE SANS FRONTIERES (founded in 1991 in MONACO by Mme Régine Vardon-West) and AMITIE SANS FRONTIERES INTERNATIONALE (founded in 1996) are Clubs-Services with 20 ASF member Clubs in the world.
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco is the President of Honour of Amitié sans Frontières.
ASF aims at promoting tolerance, justice and friendship, thereby contributing to peace, with no discrimination on the grounds of sex, religion, nationality, race or profession.
ASF offers its contribution within its means to any humanitarian action undertaken at a local level, particularly those proposed by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Square Beaumarchais
Principauté de Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 92 05 36 44
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 93 50 47 12
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Environment, Health, Sport, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Tous les pays
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association, Service Club
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1991
The Monegasque Association for research on Alzheimer’s disease (AMPA) was born upon an initiative of Michel Pastor and Dr Michel Mourou in 1990.
Since 2009, the association is chaired by Catherine Pastor and its Vice-President, Professor Alain Pesce, head of the Monegasque geriatric services.
AMPA works on a national and international level to support research, encourage scientific meetings, diffuse expertise and knowledge, increase public awareness and inform and accompany people with Alzheimer’s disease and their carers.
In 2013, AMPA launched the Mediterranean Alzheimer Alliance in order to help and support the different entities across the Mediterranean involved in Alzheimer’s disease.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Europa Résidence
Place des Moulins
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 98 16 58 88
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Algeria, Cyprus, Croatia (Hrvatska), Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Monaco, Portugal, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2009
Amref Health Africa is the largest African-based nonprofit that delivers health services to over 30 countries on the continent. Our vision is lasting health change in Africa. Originally founded in 1957 as the Flying Doctors of East Africa and staffed by doctors who flew light aircraft to bring emergency health care to remote areas, our work is now focused on training health workers at all levels and strengthening community health systems. We use African solutions to tackle critical African health challenges with African expertise. Over 90% of our staff working on the ground is African. The Amref in Monaco office raises awareness and critically needed funds for our work in Africa.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Rés. Le Saint-André
20, boulevard de Suisse
MC 98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 97 77 08 08
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Lobbying-Law, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
South Africa, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1957
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
echo __( 'Contact');?>
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 99 90 6407
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
South Africa, France, Italy, Monaco, Central African Republic
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2021
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
The Sovereign Order of Malta is one of the oldest institutions of Western and Christian civilisation. A lay religious order of the Catholic Church since 1113 and a subject of international law, the Sovereign Order of Malta has diplomatic relations with over 100 states and the European Union, and permanent observer status at the United Nations. It is neutral, impartial and apolitical.
Today, the Order of Malta is active in 120 countries caring for people in need through its medical, social and humanitarian works.
It is especially involved in helping people living in the midst of armed conflicts and natural disasters by providing medical assistance, caring for refugees, and distributing medicines and basic equipment for survival.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
10, Avenue Saint-Charles
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 92055944
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Lobbying-Law, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Italy, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1974
Although Alizeta association in Monaco was founded in January 2014, we have been working on our projects in Burkina Faso since 2004 as “Alizeta Progetti Solidali Onlus”, our Italian association.
In Burkina Faso, we built and managed for 7 years a center to cure children suffering from severe malnutrition, we sponsor student’s grants, different kinds of training and agricultural projects.
We also built 14 wells and rebuilt the dam of Yargho.
Today, Alizeta is involved in an important ecological agricultural project.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
2 avenue des citronniers
98 000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0033678638022
echo __( 'Fax');?> 0037797771578
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Burkina Faso
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2014
We founded AlphaBeta in Monaco in 2018 on the basis of a consolidated experience of more than 125 projects for children around the world during the last fourteen years. Our style is to do small projects to help the highest number of children in the areas of education, health and living conditions in poor areas of the world.
Our concept is to convert 100% of donations into children's projects by working for free, traveling at our own expense, not doing paid advertising, managing the website and accounting for free.
An important principle for us is to work with local people understanding and respecting their cultures to achieve together projects that will continue to live in time (with our timely assistance if necessary).
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Association AlphaBêta
9 Rue des Oliviers
MC 98000, Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 99 90 76 93
echo __( 'Fax');?> -
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Benin, Cameroon, India, Madagascar, Togo
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2018
Monaco-Tunisia association aims at promoting relationships between Tunisian and Monegasque and contributes to the implementation of development projects with a social, educative, economic or environmental focus.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
50 boulevard du jardin Exotique, 98 000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?>
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Environment, Lobbying-Law, Health, Sport, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2014
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Le projet de la société OASIS TECHNOLOGIES est ambitieux et nourri d’un certain idéal, celui lutter contre la pauvreté et la malnutrition, tout en atténuant les effets des changements climatiques. Dans notre société contemporaine guidée par la surconsommation, l’affaire n’était pas aisée. Néanmoins, la vision innovatrice de Mme Rawya Mansour avait pour finalité de créer une série de projets d’éco villages au service du développement durable pour renforcer le développement agricole durable et de parvenir à une certaine sécurité alimentaire. En effet, l’impact de la pression économique sur les ressources naturelles est alarmant. Le développement durable permet ainsi l’exploitation des ressources, les investissements, une orientation des techniques développés de manière harmonieuse afin de renforcer le potentiel à venir pour mieux répondre aux besoins de l’humanité.
Hans Jonas disait « Agis de façon que les effets de ton action soient compatibles avec la permanence d’une vie authentiquement humaine sur terre », Le principe de responsabilité : une éthique pour la civilisation technologique.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Le Victoria
13 Bld Princesse Charlotte
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0677000315
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Egypt, Jordan, Western Sahara
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2012
Economic pressure on natural resources is having an alarming impact. Sustainable development offers a more harmonious approach to resource exploitation, investment and technology, thereby laying the groundwork for a future in which we are better able to meet human needs. The industrial revolution in the western world led to an explosion in the global population. Some 250 years on, we now face an alarming situation. The planet is getting warmer, the environment is polluted, ecosystems are being destroyed, desertification continues at a worrying pace, and global inequalities are growing all the time. These factors pose a genuine threat to humanity’s peaceful existence.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Association OASIS
Le Victoria
13 Bld Princesse Charlotte
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0677000315
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Environment, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Egypt, Jordan
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2012
Focusing single-mindedly on the betterment of mankind, the Boustany Foundation awards scholarships to exceptionally talented individuals, creates life-changing opportunities for less privileged children and encourages tolerance between different cultures.
To achieve its mission the Foundation will undertake the following:
1. Support all disciplines contributing to the evolution of human civilizations:
astronomy, medicine, science and technology, finance, economics, management, law, history, philosophy, etc...
This objective is achieved primarily but not exclusively, by awarding scholarships to outstanding and promising candidates.
2. Promote and develop constructive communication, respect, and mutual understanding within and between communities, countries, nations, and cultures:
- Promoting common goals in the interest of humanity
3. Children are our future and are not autonomous. The Foundation's goal will be to:
- Enable children to live happy, healthy, productive, meaningful and rewarding lives.
- Help children in need
echo __( 'Contact');?>
1 Avenue des Citronniers
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 93 501510
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 93 150556
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Health, Sport
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Lebanon, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Foundation
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2006
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Caritas Monaco is a full member of Caritas Europa and Caritas Internationalis, a confederation of more than 160 Catholic organizations.
Our main objectives are: to end poverty, defend justice and restore human dignity.
In fighting poverty and social inequality, our goal is to encourage people to build a better world through various social programs.
Our task, in addition to economic aid, has an educational dimension and accompanying persons.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Paroisse Sainte Dévote
Place Sainte Dévote
MC 98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 93 50 52 60
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 97 70 83 07
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Lobbying-Law, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cuba, Haiti, Lebanon, Peru, Philippines, Congo (DRC), Romania, Sudan, Syria, Palestinian Territory
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1990
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Since a mission trip in Benin, the association CEP has had the will to achieve the construction and sustainability of an orphanage in this emerging country, where the infant and maternal death rate is high.
The first building (250m2) was inaugurated in February 2014.
The second was inaugurated in May 2017.
In February 2018 we built a pedagogic farm . It will help children obtaining a diploma in agronomy, and it will help for sustaining the orphanage by feeding it.
We can afford 32 children from age 3 to 17, and two couples in charge of the direction and of the education and a watchman for security purposes, are receiving accommodation.
Food autonomy is partially ensured by a small farmland comprising the production of cereals, fruits and vegetables and some chickens.
We need to earn an bigger land for agricultural farming: what we collect we can eat a part and sell a part to buy other seeds and plants.
The durability of this project will be partly dependent on the sponsorship of the orphans.
We are actively and constantly looking for sponsors and financial partners.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
CEP Monaco
9 chemin de la Turbie
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0607932629
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2011
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
At the beginning : a group of friends, wanting to propose a personal investment to improve the condition of children in this world, moved by the injustice of those amongst them who suffer too much, from this group, an idea is born …
Every single one of us starts to take part in this idea, wants to be part of it, distribute it, make it come to life…
We are a team of volunteers, and it is only to help the children's cause that we get involved to defend their rights… Most of our members work or live in the Principality and, through this involvement, want to testify their attachment to the country.
Principal events organized by Children& Future :
* No Finish Line® in November
* NFL DANSE in April
echo __( 'Contact');?>
2 AVENUE Saint Laurent
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0683564219
echo __( 'Fax');?> 92165898
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Burundi, France, Haiti, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Monaco, Nepal, Senegal
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2001
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Martine Ackermann created the association Child CARE Monaco in 2012, to offer education to the underprivileged children.
We have opened a girls school in the area of Udaipur, India, which provides education, food, basic healthcare and school uniform for 110 girls.
The 149€ sponsorchild we propose goes entirely for the benefits of each kid.
We assure a follow up through a local team and also by controlling the good functioning ourself regularly going to India.
Our association is entirely manage by volunteers without salary.
Child CARE Monaco organizes a lot of events in and around Monaco to raise funds for the schools and also welcome donations and sponsorchild to help in this project.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Child CARE Monaco
41 Avenue de l'Annonciade
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +33 6 14695994
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2012
Founded in January 2015, Children of Africa MC is an association based in Monaco that aims to help children in Tanzania and in the future, Senegal. The foundation’s objective is to improve the living conditions of children by engaging in the infrastructure, health and educational sectors. Children of Africa also engages in small and simple initiatives: buying clothes, gifts and shoes to the children; things that can bring smiles and joy to their daily lives. We choose projects that move us, that can benefit the children in a fast and efficient way but that can also have an impact in the long run on their lives and on society at large. We work with local organization that help us overcome the cultural, language barriers and teach us “how things work” in a country that has its own political, economical and ethical systems. We also wish to develop projects that are sustainable for the environment, working with eco-friendly technologies. As our aim is to make the people we work with autonomous, we target projects that can be self-supporting for the children.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
6 avenue des ligures 98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +37792056241
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2014
The goal of this society is to welcome, in the Principality of Monaco and in France, christians that are persecuted due to their religion, and concerns primarily far eastern christians.
Secondly, to help and aid directly and indirectly those christians in Monaco as well as in France.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
23 Boulevard des Moulins
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 97 77 54 93
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 93 15 09 66
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Lobbying-Law, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Host family, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2015
Cordons de Vie aims at fund raising in order to :
- Support international research on ombilic and placenta stem cells and the development of effective treatments ( check ups, care, transplants, medical material …)
- Help the poorest countries,( i.e. in Africa) to use these effective treatments to cure such illness as sickle cell disease, leukemias, lymphomas …
- Contribute to the approval of the Monaco Maternity Ward, allowing ombilic blood donation useful to research and treatments
The Board of Directors consults its Scientific Committee for research projects and works with the Office of International Cooperation and various associations on humanitarian projects.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
10 rue Bosio
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 06 07 93 88 50
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Senegal
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2012
Presided over by His Serene Highness Prince Albert II, the Monaco Red Cross was created on 3rd March 1948 by Prince Louis II. It works on its own territory but also internationally, in accordance with the 7 fundamental principles of the Movement.
It participates in the appeals launched within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement during humanitarian disasters throughout the world. Furthermore, it also works to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations by partnering with other National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, including Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, West Africa, France and Italy.
In 2022, the Monaco Red Cross celebrates the 40th anniversary of the presidency of H.S.H. Prince Albert II.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
27 bd de Suisse
98 000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 97 97 68 00
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 93 15 90 47
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Lobbying-Law, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Italy, Mauritania, Niger, Congo (DRC), Senegal
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1948
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Digital Aid is a welfare initiative that restores rundown computer hardware and other electronic equipment to further child education in 10 developing countries across Africa and Europe.
Since beginning of 2010, we have donated over 600 computers to orphanages, social centers, hospitals and schools. After refurbishing appliances, we deliver them to underprivileged children - those who want to become technology friendly, but lack the resources to do so. Thus providing tools for future employment opportunities.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
c/o Moore Stephens Services
L'Estoril bloc C
31 avenue Princesse Grace
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 99900099
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, France, Lithuania, Morocco, Monaco, Romania
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2010
Créée en 2011, notre association a pour objectif de mettre à disposition les compétences et le savoir-faire de ses membres pour la réalisation de projets humanitaires à destination des populations les plus vulnérables, tout particulièrement dans le domaine de l’énergie.
Nous privilégions notre action dans tous les secteurs liés à la santé, l’éducation et la jeunesse et nous mettons notamment en œuvre des productions énergétiques à base de sources d’origine renouvelable chaque fois que cela est possible. A ce titre l’association s’inscrit résolument dans une démarche de développement durable.
Nous intervenons également pour des associations humanitaires monégasques désireuses de monter des projets à l’international et souhaitant s’appuyer sur un partenaire fiable pour toutes les problématiques souvent complexes liées à l’énergie.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
10 avenue de Fontvieille
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 92 05 05 16 ou 92 05 05 31
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, Madagascar, Mongolia
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2011
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
The aim of Femmes Leaders Monaco is to highlight the individual career paths of responsible and supportive women, in Monaco and worldwide, in order to promote their standing and impact in defending the concept of equal rights for men and women. Our organisation in Monaco forms part of an international network.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
C/O Madame Hilde Haneuse-Heye
2, boulevard Rainier III,
Monaco 98 000
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +33607931715, +33608219832
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Algeria, Armenia, Belgium, France, Gambia, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mali, Morocco, Monaco, Czech Republic, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, Uruguay
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2009
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Many people who live with HIV fight this virus alone. They suffer from isolation, lack of confidence and, too often still, from discrimination. A large portion of these people seclude themselves from any social life or are excluded by their own social circles.
This is what H.S.H. Princess Stephanie is fighting against with her association Fight Aids Monaco, since 2004.
H.S.H. Princess Stephanie of Monaco and the Board Members are engaged in fighting these issues. With solidarity in mind, and to support its various needs, the association works in monaco with public and private institutions to organize prevention programmes as well as fundraising. Partnerships with French and African associations contribute to widen the range of actions we offer.
She also created in 2010, a unique concept in Europe, “La Maison de Vie”. This non-medicalized establisment offers those living with HIV, individual accommodation from 1 to 2 weeks to allow them to rest, have time for themselves, have a break, catch their breath despite the difficulties of living with the virus and to build up or regain their self-confidence.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
11 boulevard Charles III
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 97 70 67 97
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
South Africa, Burundi, Haiti, Madagascar, Mauritius
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2004
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
In June 2006, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco decided to set up his Foundation in order to address the alarming threats hanging over our planet’s environment. The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation works for the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development. The Foundation supports projects in three main geographical regions: the Mediterranean Basin, the Polar Regions and the Least Developed Countries. The Foundation’s efforts focus on three main sectors: Climate change and renewable energies, biodiversity, and integrated and sustainable water management together with the fight against desertification.
To find out more: /
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Villa Girasole
16, bd de Suisse
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 98 98 44 44
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 98 98 44 45
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
South Africa, Antarctica, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Congo, Ecuador, Spain, Federated States of Micronesia, United States, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gabon, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Solomon Islands, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Kiribati, Laos, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Remote Oceania, Congo (DRC), United Kingdom, Russia, Rwanda, Senegal, Chad, British Indian Ocean Territory, Est Timor, Togo, Tunisia, European Union, Zambia, Zimbabwe
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Foundation
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2006
The primary objective of The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation is to save lives by fighting against drowning.
Its missions are to raise public awareness about the dangers of water, teach children preventive measures, and teach them to swim.
The World Health Organization estimated that 372,000 people drowned worldwide in 2012.
A number of “Learn to Swim” and “Water Safety” programs have been implemented in order to fight against this affliction.
The Foundation’s actions are also based on the values of sport such as discipline, self-respect and respect for others, determination and team spirit. This is why the programme “Sport & Education” was created.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Les Jardins d'Apolline
1 Promenade Honoré II
BP. 1
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 98 98 99 99
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health, Sport
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
South Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Canada, Chile, United States, France, Ghana, Greece, India, Indonesia, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Madagascar, Malaysia, Morocco, Monaco, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Senegal, Serbia, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Zimbabwe
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Foundation
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2012
The association aims at giving school supplies to poor children in the Djoum region in South Cameroon, among which those in the Bata pigmy tribes, by organizing football tournaments with school supplies as rewards. A dual purpose : a summer jolly entertainment and a help to get to school in better conditions by lightening the families’ financial efforts.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
3, rue Princesse Florestine
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Sport
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2015
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
ILLIS is an independent, apolitical and non-denominational association under Monegasque law created in April 2016.
It is dedicated to the support and financing of international solidarity micro-projects in the fields of precarious childhood, education, training and youth integration. ILLIS pays particular attention to women, young girls and people with disabilities in the projects it supports.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
10 rue Bosio 98000 Monaco
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Madagascar, Mali, Morocco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2016
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
INSIDE MADAGASCAR aims at protecting the vanilla planters and producers in the District of Antalaha in North East of the country (SAVA region) by ensuring fair pay for the producers and the promotion of social development in the Community, according to the principles of fair trade.
Our main project is to develop and implement a certification system ensuring the quality and tractability of vanilla, so that the planters will gain back being the main actors in the production chain, instead of middlemen taking the biggest cut of value created along the process.
The objective is for planters to once again enjoy the wealth of their land, and for their hard work to be rewarded by individual and community development.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
c/o M. et Mme BLASCO
34 avenue Hector Otto - L'Engelin
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0679771933
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2019
In a sustainable development prospect, IS accompanies communities in their evolution process in order to reduce poverty and promote environmental conservancy.
The local recruitment and the use of local means are IS priorities in order to meet communities needs through sustainable, efficient and reproducible answers such as :
- promoting communities sustainable access to education , social, sanitary and medical services
- contributing to security and improvement of community incomes, by developing solidarity and social projects, ecotourism and food security
- allowing the preservation of a sustainable environment by promoting environmental education and biodiversity protection activities.
- Strengthen local NGO’s response, management and strategic direction capabilities
IS Monaco has specialized overtime in reinforcing local teams’ and partner community organizations’ skills in order that local stakeholders take ownership of project management.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
6 avenue des Papalins MC 98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 00 377 92 05 92 05
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Greece, Kenya
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2004
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Arthur, born and raised in Monaco, shared his life between his strong attachment to Monaco, his home country and his love for Senegal where he built his house and started a volunteer and humanitarian work. His unexpected passing at a very young age led Virginie, his mom, to create a charity work she decided to call “La Maison d’Arthur” in order to continue the projects her son had started.
Therefore, we, the charity, will continue his work focusing on three projects:
- Mbeut’s school: Mbeut is the village where Arthur’s house is. The needs are huge.
- Diamniadio’s hospital: our focus will be on the maternity and pediatric ward.
- Education including sport. As of today, a partnership is established with the charity “Pulse Africa” around basketball, the sport Arthur used to play.
The Arthur's house remains a property of his family and will be used to lead the actions on the field whenever it will be necessary.
Our main goals and missions are to BRING ARTHUR’S HOUSE AND PROJECTS TO LIFE.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
25 boulevard de Belgique
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health, Sport
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Monaco, Senegal
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2021
But de l’association :
Venir en aide ou agir au profit d’enfants et adultes de milieux défavorisés, d’Asie du Sud Est, dans les domaines médicaux et paramédicaux et réunir les fonds nécessaires pour financer des opérations chirurgicales, des soins de toute nature et de développer des structures de soins. Actuellement les actions sont dirigées vers le Vietnam où beaucoup d’enfants ont des déficiences cardiaques.
Les actions :
Collaboration avec des orphelinats et avec des instances officielles pour détecter les personnes malades.
Relation avec l’Institut du Cœur (IDC) du Professeur Alain Carpentier à Hô Chi Minh Ville (Saigon) et avec des hôpitaux vietnamiens.
Prise en charge des dossiers de personnes nécessiteuses, de préférence des enfants malades, qui sont confiés directement à l’association « Les Soins de l’Espoir Monaco »
Distribution de vêtements, médicaments, jouets, livres…aux enfants nécessiteux.
Actions diverses et Organisation de manifestations (spectacles, brocantes, lotos etc…) pour obtenir des fonds.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
13 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 97 70 25 60
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Viet Nam
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2017
Mission Enfance is an Organization of International Solidarity, placed under the Honorary Presidency of H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco, created in 1991 to “rescue children in distress around the world”. Today chaired by Mrs Patricia Husson, its main area of activity is education. Mission Enfance operates directly on the field with local teams to carry out the humanitarian programs, adapting its aid to the needs met in the explored countries, in remote areas, without racial, ethnic or religious consideration. Thanks to the grant allocated by the Principality of Monaco Government for the running costs, and with the support of private sponsors, the association affects 99,6% of its funds to its humanitarian actions on the field (financial year 2017).
echo __( 'Contact');?>
19, avenue des Papalins
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 92 05 32 03
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 92 05 36 03
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Afghanistan, Armenia, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Iraq, Laos, Lebanon, Syria, Viet Nam
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1991
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Under the Honorary Presidency of HSH Prince Albert II, Monaco Aide & Presence (MAP) has been working around the globe since 1979, bringing real and lasting help to the poorest, mainly children and women.
Our activities target primarily:
- Education : construction of schools and professional workshops, training,
- Health : construction, rehabilitation of health and hospital facilities, provision of equipment and drugs, ophthalmic missions, training local caregivers.
We also work to provide the necessary nutritional needs and to improve the working conditions of women. Our aim is to work together with local people while respecting their culture, society and economy. Our activities are focused solely on the needs of the poor and are geared to making them more self-supporting.
We also help in the region for activities such as child care, food collection, hospital visits and aid to disabled and needy people.
The support provided by the Monegasque Government which covers our administrative expenses and the volunteerism of the members of the board, the auditors, and the local representatives abroad, ensure that 100% of the donations collected are applied to our projects.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
20, rue Notre Dame de Lorète - BP 525 - MC 98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> (+377) 93 50 84 05
echo __( 'Fax');?> (+377) 92 16 15 04
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
South Africa, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, India, Madagascar, Mali, Moldova, Nepal, Niger, Sri Lanka
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1979
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
In response to the violent earthquake which hit Haïti on Tuesday 12 January, and following the will of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, many Monegasque NGO’s together with the Office of International Cooperation as well as private companies got united in order to support a joint project: MONACO COLLECTIF HAITI.
After several field missions in Haïti, the Collectif chose to support Doctor William PAPE’s project: the construction of a nursery school and primary school in Port-au-Prince, managed by Gheskio health centres.
Prince Albert II school opened in 2012 and was inaugurated by H.S.H. Prince Albert II on 15th February 2013.
300 children are currently provided education in the school, and also benefit from a personalized follow-up care as the school is integrated in a health centre.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Direction de la Coopération Internationale
Athos Palace
2 Rue de la Lüjerneta
Téléphone : (+377) 98 98 44 88
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 98 98 44 88
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association Group
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2010
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
In 2008, on the occasion of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco’s 50th birthday, Monegasque NGOs actively involved in international solidarity efforts, with support from the Government of Monaco’s Office of International Cooperation, joined forces under the name “Monaco Collectif Humanitaire”. The initial goal was to offer treatment in Monaco to 50 children whose condition, chiefly heart disease, could not be treated in their countries of origin.
Today, “Monaco Collectif Humanitaire” continues its action grouping together 21 Monegasque and 3 French international solidarity organisations.
Surgery is carried out at the Cardio-Thoracic Centre in Monaco (CCTM) and the Princess Grace Hospital (CHPG) for heart patients and the Institut Monégasque de Médecine et de chirurgie Sportive (IM2S) for orthopaedic patients.
At the beginning of 2015, over 240 children had already been provided care since the project was initiated.
Renowned football player Olivier Giroud has become the Ambassador of the project in 2014.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Direction de la Coopération Internationale
2 rue de la Lüjerneta
98 000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 98 98 44 88
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 97 77 73 22
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Algeria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iraq, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Philippines, Senegal, Syria, Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Tunisia
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association Group
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Host family, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2008
The Mission of Monaco Impact is to encourage, facilitate and federate charitable initiatives, organizations and institutes in Monaco in order to put Monaco on the map as a World Center of charity and thereby contribute to the positive perception of Monaco in the world.
The Vision of Monaco Impact is to promote Monaco as a center of committed global citizens while expanding the base of local philanthropists and social impact investors through ongoing education, collaboration and sharing novel approaches to global challenges.
Monaco Impact identifies best practices, novel approaches, and supports promising solutions to global challenges.
Monaco Impact will actively encourage charitable giving among the Monaco community and its residents.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Gildo Pastor Center
7, Rue du Gabian
MC 98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377607933547
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Tous les pays
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2014
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
Mothers of Africa Monaco works in sub-Saharan Africa and our goals are to:
- combat the extremely high mortality rate of women and adolescent girls during pregnancy and childbirth;
- help future mothers in Africa, children and health professionals to implement changes through education and infrastructure;
- protect and empower people by providing them with the tools they need to control their own lives and their health;
- collaborate with the communities by involving them fully in a truly participative effort.
In 2017, Mothers of Africa built a school in Shiyala, Zambia for 540 children.
After its success with the Shiyala School, MOA turned its attention to the neighbouring school, Evergreen Primary, near Chongwe.
In September 2019 four new classrooms and a staffroom was completed and handed over to the District Education Board Secretaries in the presence of Hon Japhen Mwakalombe MP.
This project has helped reduce class sizes from approx 100 to 40 children. MOA worked with CAUKIN Studio who managed the project. Ecological and sustainable materials were locally sourced.
The project for 2020 was to build a Nursery School, however this is postponed to 2021 due au Covid-19.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
19 Boulevard Ranier III, Monaco 98000
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +33 6 70 54 44 13
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2017
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
NAMASTE (Nepal Monaco Cultural Association) was created in 2009. The goal of the Association is :
- to promote the Nepalese culture in Monaco (and across Europe)
- to improve the living conditions of the Nepalese people, more particularly in the fields of education and health, to support projects for economic development implemented by the villagers, while ensuring their autonomy and the environment are respected
- and more generally speaking, to promote, encourage and facilitate activities that are likely to develop ties between Nepal and Monaco.
Thanks to the incredible chain of solidarity created in Monaco around several initiatives, we have been able to implement, in a short time, concrete projects for the Rigaon people, in particular women and children (school, community clinic, training for women…)
echo __( 'Contact');?>
13, boulevard de Suisse
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> + 377 93 50 71 62
echo __( 'Fax');?> + 377 93 50 71 62
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2009
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
echo __( 'Contact');?>
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2005
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
The association « Oasis for Peace » was founded by Alessandro Dalmasso and Sylva Cosulich Dalmasso together with Father Rito Julio Alvarez.
The main purpose of the association is to act in the international cooperation setting to defend children’s human rights, providing nutrition, education and health.
Our mission is to create educational centres, teaching trades and professions whilst developing the personal skills of each child. These educational centres will train leaders with a mentality of social and global development based on peace and justice.
Our objective is the promotion of initiatives for an education based on peace and on people’s integration, as well as training future generations with a technological and ecological vision, based on the respect and the preservation of the environment.
Our first project will support the activities of the “Fundación Oasis de Amor y Paz” FOAP based in Colombia. This foundation saves, hosts and gives school education to children and young victims of the “guerrilla” and of the drugs production.
Our association will work to develop and improve the social, educational and humanitarian actions of the Colombian foundation.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
11, avenue de l'Hermitage
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 92167187
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment, Microfinance
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Colombia, Italy, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2018
The Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem (OSLJ-Monaco) has as mission to bring help to the ill and the poorest people.
In Madagascar, in the town of Ankolamaré (Saint Mary Island), the OSLJ-Monaco has just finalised the construction, in hard material and following anticyclone norms, of a free health centre, replacing the old one, which was in wood, in bad state and vulnerable as was one hundred metres away from the see, and equipped it with recent material.
This health centre helps satisfy the medical needs of this part of the island, very isolated and of difficult access as far away from the main communication means (access by potholed earth road)
This Health centre has been authorised by the local health authorities.
A big THANK-YOU to Mr Bruno Dal Piaz from OSJL-Monaco who followed the construction job.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
45, Av de Grande-Bretagne
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 06 07 35 36 12
echo __( 'Fax');?> 93505400
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Environment, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2013
En synergie avec l'activité de Phlébologie et de Chirurgie Vasculaire du CHPG de Monaco l'Association PHAM poursuit :
- Le développement et la promotion de la recherche scientifique
- La formation et la coopération internationale
- Le dépistage, la prévention ainsi que la gestion des aspects socio-humanitaires corrélés
- L'organisation de séminaires, workshops, congrès
- L'interaction avec l'Ecole, les Universités et la Société Civile.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
9 avenue Crovetto Frères 98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 06 15 70 24 49
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Italy, Monaco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2018
Peace and Sport is a politically neutral and independent organization based in the Principality of Monaco, which works to promote sport as a tool for peace. Founded by current President Joël Bouzou in 2007, Peace and Sport is a global initiative under the High Patronage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Peace and Sport acts to put sport at the heart of concerted, effective and relevant political action, to make sport a catalyst for peace.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Aigue Marine
24 avenue de Fontvieille
Bloc B
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> + 377 97 97 78 00
echo __( 'Fax');?> + 377 97 97 18 91
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Lobbying-Law, Health, Sport
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Burundi, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Haiti, Israel, Mali, Congo (DRC), Palestinian Territory, Est Timor
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2007
The Post Conflict Development Association of Monaco (FPCD Monaco) proudly operates under the High Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. HSH Prince Albert II is well-versed in international affairs, philanthropy, communication, financial management, and many other fields. His commitment to humanitarian aid and to protecting the environment is immense and widely recognized. He continues to lead the Monegasque delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations and his Principality with distinction.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
FPCD Monaco
C/° The Office
17, avenue Albert II
98000 Monaco
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Côte d'Ivoire, Haiti, Est Timor
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2015
Education and health are our main concerns, while a child out of two has no access to school and the education of girls remains worrisome.
We already managed to build three schools of the secondary cycle, with all the necessary furniture and the school equipment.
Our sponsorship program enables disadvantaged children to benefit from a school and medical follow-up.
In the field of the health, the Hospital of Douentza was renovated as well as health centers.
The creation of kitchen gardens has allowed to run a school canteen and cater for the needs of the local population.
Micro-credits also enabled women to create small shops and sell their goods on markets.
During the war, the money sent made it possible to buy tons of millet and rice.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
13, Avenue des Castelans
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?>
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377.
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Microfinance, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Mali, Morocco
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2007
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
La Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul de Monaco développe des actions caritatives de proximité avec les plus démunis, souvent oubliés ou ignorés par notre société.
Les valeurs de la Société de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul se fondent sur la devise de Vincent de Paul : « Aimer, Partager, Servir ».
LES VINCENTIENS DE MONACO LUTTENT CONTRE LA SOLITUDE & L’EXCLUSION en s’engageant sur les missions suivantes :
· Aides alimentaires – Épicerie Solidaire, Maraudes et Accueil de Jour
· Aides Financières
· Aides Administratives
· Goûters/Repas Partagés
· Visites à Domicile, à l’Hôpital, à la Maison d’Arrêt, et dans les Maisons de Retraite
. Aides internationales
· Kermesses
· Campagne de l’Avent
· Noël des Enfants
· Sorties/Vacances
echo __( 'Contact');?>
98000 MONACO
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 93 30 23 14
echo __( 'Fax');?>
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
France, Lebanon, Madagascar, Senegal, Ukraine
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation, Donation of supplies and equipment
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1876
She Can He Can is a Monaco-based organisation that aims to inspire and support girls to take leadership roles. We encourage girls and boys to challenge deeply-held, life-limiting gender stereotypes and to realize their full potential, independent of their gender.
She Can He Can also works to recognize the achievements and contributions of great female leaders throughout herstory. By looking back, we can inspire the future.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
7 bd d'Italie
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +33680861235
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Lobbying-Law
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Monaco, Rwanda
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2011
he Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) is one of the world’s leading private, international philanthropic organizations, making grants to nonprofit organizations in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and sports, and social welfare. SNF funds organizations and projects worldwide that aim to achieve a broad, lasting, and positive impact for society at large, and exhibit strong leadership and sound management. The Foundation also supports projects that facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships as an effective means for serving public welfare.
Since 1996, the Foundation has committed $3.4 billion through over 5,200 grants to nonprofit organizations in more than 135 countries around the world.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
c/o FSN S.A.M.
George V
14 Avenue de Grande Bretagne
MC98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +377 93 15 75 50
echo __( 'Fax');?> +377 97 97 36 51
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Culture, Education-Training, Environment, Health, Sport, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Tous les pays
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Foundation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 1996
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
TAF – The Animal Fund was established in 2015 with its primary focus on protection of the ocean, dolphins and whales.
Our Mission:
- To educate and inform the public (especially the children) through our events, presentations, conferences, advertising campaigns and
communications on social networks about the danger and consequences of the extinction of the cetacean.
Since more than 50% of our oxygen comes from the oceans and indirectly from the whales that fertilize them, we can not live without these magnificent creatures.
- To protect, save and help the dolphins and the whales who are victims of maltreatment, pollution, and overfishing.
- To communicate on environmental issues and the harm it does to our planet such as plastic pollution, overfishing and use of animal products in the cosmetics.
We work mainly with schools and universities.
90% of our educational activities take place with children and we organize about 40 educational events a year!
We aim for a healthy, unpolluted and protected ocean with an abundance of marine mammals, as without them on earth cannot exist!
echo __( 'Contact');?>
8, Avenue Fontvielle. 98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0650742918
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Environment
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Germany, Belgium, Bermuda, Croatia (Hrvatska), Denmark, Spain, United States, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2015
echo __( 'Agréé par l\'État');?>
The Red Pencil has conducted missions with local NGOs and established international humanitarian organizations globally to offer and incorporate arts therapy as part of their existing psychosocial support to the largest number of children and families. Our resources draw from a pool of 1,500 volunteer arts therapists worldwide.
Through arts therapy, The Red Pencil helps break the vicious cycles of helplessness and violence, reduces stress and trauma and offers a way of expression towards balance, self-empowerment and resilience. Anyone, anywhere, at any stage in their life, can benefit from arts therapy.
echo __( 'Contact');?>
Monte Carlo Star
15 boulevard Louis II
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> + 33 6 43917806
echo __( 'Fax');?> Not applicable
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Health, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, China, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Spain, France, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Monaco, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Sudan, Switzerland, European Union
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2021
Walking For Kids soutient et participe à la rénovation des écoles des villages au Cameroun.
Elle soutient des enfants des familles les plus démunis à Madagascar
Elle parraine plusieurs jeunes depuis le primaire et qui aujourd'hui réussissent sont au lycée comme à l'université
Elle s'investit actuellement à la construction d'un centre de formation des jeunes à l'installation et la maintenance des panneaux photo voltaïques
echo __( 'Contact');?>
7 rue louis notari
echo __( 'Tél.');?> 0621988871
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Cameroon, Madagascar
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Donation of supplies and equipment, Sponsor
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2009
echo __( 'Contact');?>
15, ave des Papalins
Le Magellan, Bloc A3
98000 Monaco
echo __( 'Tél.');?> +33 6 63 75 37 83
Site internet
echo __( 'Domaines d\'intervention :');?>
Education-Training, Emergency
echo __( 'Pays d\'intervention :');?>
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Syria, Turkey
echo __( 'Type de structure :');?> Association
echo __( 'Comment aider :');?>
Voluntary-Charity Work, Financial donation
echo __( 'Année de création :');?> 2014