OSI Monaco

The Red Pencil (Singapore) hosted its first ever Charity Art Exhibition from 28 to 30 April 2023 The Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission

Providing primary education services to vulnerable and underprivileged pupils at the Mwazisi primary school Chikulamayembe, Malawi AlphaBeta

Milk enriched for the undernourished newborns Kpatchilé, Togo AlphaBeta

The Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission opens its first Creative Arts Therapy Centre in Singapore The Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission

April 6, show your support for peace Post your #WhiteCard Peace and Sport

International Children's Day Mothers of Africa Monaco

International Children's Day Mothers of Africa Monaco

AUTUMN JUMBLE SALE November 22nd, 23rd and 25th MISSION ENFANCE

Voir toutes les actualités

The OSI portal groups together in one place Monaco’s International Solidarity Organisations (NGOs, service clubs, foundations and associations).

Its purpose is to promote the action of these organisations and to pool efforts.

A selection committee consisting of five OSI members ensures its proper functioning.

Liste des organisations

Retrouvez les membres de osimonaco.org

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